Narcissism Unmasked – Part 2: The Many Faces of Narcissism: Overt & Covert Narcissists

Narcissism Unmasked – Part 2: The Many Faces of Narcissism: Overt & Covert Narcissists

The Many Faces of Narcissism: The Overt & Covert Narcissist

A pathological narcissist comes in various shapes and sizes, and can sometimes be difficult to spot, presenting himself or herself as the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing for quite a while, before being discovered. Other times, a toxic personality is outwardly apparent from the get-go. The purpose of this article is to clarify two types of narcissists: the overt and the covert

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Narcissism Unmasked — Part 1: What is Pathological Narcissism?

Narcissism Unmasked — Part 1: What is Pathological Narcissism?

What is Pathological Narcissism?

Narcissist…we hear the term quite often these days, at work, in the media, maybe even among friends and family. In fact, many of you have likely encountered one or more narcissists in your lifetime and perhaps even live, work, or are in some kind of relationship with one. Some of you are familiar with the general definition of a narcissist, and perhaps, casually label friends, acquaintances, colleagues, or some of your relatives as such. But how many of you actually know the clinical definition of a pathological narcissist?

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